Saturday, January 21, 2012

Having Surgery Monday

I'll be having surgery Monday.  I'm not excited about the surgery in fact I'm kind of embarassed that I'm not even 40 yet and have to have this surgery.  I will be having a transvaginal tape to help with my incontinence issues.  It has gotten worse over the last year and it's really hindered my ability to exercise so I went to see a specialist and he said that I should have one.  So I go in Monday to have surgery.  It's just a quick day surgery, he says no longer than 45 minutes, but I'll have to refrain from doing anything strenuous for 4-6 weeks.  I'll post more about this as it happens.

I am hoping that after I recover I'll be able to exercise more and not have to worry about leakage.  Again, I know this is embarrassing but I'm sure I'm not the only person out there dealing with this issue.

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