Saturday, November 12, 2011

Too Legit to Quit my weight loss efforts

I just heard the song Too Legit to Quit and it started me thinking, I can't stop now.  I gotta keep going on this journey, I feel much better, sleeping better and am losing.  I also am motivated by others when I see their success.

Last night was a little tough, we went out to dinner to Chili's but I was good.  I ordered what I wanted but I had the server put half of my food in a to go box for later and instead of the fries that came with my meal I had a salad.  I am learning that I can still eat out and enjoy food but not over eat.  I am also learning when I am full.

One of the things that is hard for me is eating slower.  I have always been a fast eater, I don't take time to chew or savor my food like I should.  I often just chow down and go cause I know I have 50 other things to do.  This is why I over eat, cause I'm not really enjoying my food.  My goal now is to really chew and taste my food.  Put my fork or spoon down between bites and just enjoy it.  I think this will help me learn to eat until I'm full and not over eat.  If you have a tip that helped you to lose weight or know when you are full, I would love for you to share.

I did HipHop Abs Total Body Burn this morning; it's getting a little easier.  I'm not as winded through it and I'm doing the higher impact steps that Shaun T does versus the lower impact ones.  I am really focusing on my Abs right now cause I have been reading a lot about weight and where you carry your weight.  I have always had a big behind so that's no biggy but I'd rather have that then carry it in my middle.  It puts more stress on your organs which is very unhealthy.  At least I have comfort knowing that having the weight in your behind is better than in your belly.  I would just like to have a smaller back and well smaller everything.

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